Site icon Average Apple Guy


Welcome to the wallpapers page of Average Apple Guy. Many wallpapers for your iPhone, iPad, and Mac are here. For each one, I have tried to make sure to give the proper credit to the creator of the wallpaper. I’m sure I’ll miss some eventually. If I do, and you own the wallpaper, please let me know by commenting on this page. You can also send me the request via the About Page if you want to remain anonymous.

As you can see from the gallery below, many images are from Apple. These are wallpapers from various iOS, iPadOS, macOS, or device releases over the past few years. My goal is to provide a one-stop shop to find those wallpapers to download for yourself. When new images are available, I will post about them on the main site. However, you can always navigate your way here directly to find them directly.

To save any of these wallpapers, it is easy to do so. From your Mac, click on the image you want above, then right-click to save it to your device. Tap the image you want on your iPhone or iPad, then long press to save it to files or photos.

Mac Wallpapers

iPad Wallpapers

iPhone Wallpapers

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